Youth Ministry
Equipping the Next Generation

Friday Nite Bites
Murray Presbyterian provides a safe environment for senior high students at Conestoga to gather following home football games in the fall. Volunteers serve complementary refreshments to what is generally a capacity crowd of Cougars players and fans.
Confirmation is a more intensive spiritual discipleship program combining large group learning with one-on-one mentoring. It’s designed for high school aged young people seeking a better understanding of what it means to follow Jesus Christ in the fellowship of his church. Students who complete the program have the opportunity to make their public profession of faith and join the congregation as active members.
“Don’t let people look down on you because you are young; see that they look up to you because you are an example to them in your speech and behavior, in your love and faith and sincerity”
(1 Timothy 4:12, Phillips paraphrase)