What to Expect
Visiting a church for the first time can be an intimidating experience–especially for those who haven’t been in a church for a while (or ever). At Murray Presbyterian, our goal is to make newcomers feel at home–without making them stand out. Here are a few things a first-time worshipper may be wondering about:
How long does the service last? Usually an hour (occasionally a little longer when special events are being observed in worship) .
What should I wear? We are a rather laid-back congregation and dress is typically very casual.
What about communion? Communion (the practice of taking bread and a small cup of juice in remembrance of Jesus’ broken body and shed blood) is observed on the first Sunday of each month. You need not be a member of our congregation or a Presbyterian to partake. Any baptized Christian trusting in Jesus Christ for their salvation is welcome at the table. If you are not yet a follower of Jesus, you are welcome to be in worship that day and will not stand out if you don’t feel you should participate in this part of the service.
What about an offering? At every worship service, there is an opportunity to place an offering in the collection plate as it is passed. This is primarily intended for our members and regular attendees. If you have just started worshiping with us, you are a guest and not expected to make any financial contribution.
What arrangements are made for children? We value our children and youth. Before the Scripture message, children and youth may be excused to Sunday School for biblical teachings of an age appropriate level. The safety and well-being of our children is a priority for us, so Murray Presbyterian adheres to a Child Protection Policy that (among other things) requires two care providers whenever children are present. For children who remain in worship, there are activity bags that may be used to occupy their attention.
Is the facility handicap accessible? There is a ramp and double doors at the front entrance, making the building handicap accessible.