Sundays at 10:00 am

CSI: JERUSALEM Who Killed Jesus?
It’s the greatest whodunit of all times! It involved the most innocent victim ever—in fact, the only perfectly innocent person to be killed in the history of our race. He was Goodness incarnate, the one who lived for others. Who could possibly conspire to snuff out a life like that? What possible motivation could they have?
Join us as the investigation unfolds throughout the season of Lent. We will trace the plot back to its initial stages. The pool of suspects gets wider and wider. And at last, our investigation leads to a startling and disturbing conclusion.
Individual Messages:
March 9: Rule-Bound Religion (Pharisees)
(Matthew 12:1-14)
March 16: Political Expediency (Caiaphas)
(John 11:45-53)
March 23: Economic Self-interest (Chief Priests)
(Mark 11:12-18)
March 30: The Control Instinct (Judas)
(Matthew 26:1-3, 14-16; 27:1-5)
April 6: Moral Cowardice (Pilate)
(John 19:4-16)
April 13 (Palm Sunday): Popular Opinion (The Crowd)
(Matthew 27:11-26)
April 17 (Maundy Thursday): All of Us
(Isaiah 53:1-6)