Adult Ministry
Getting connected . . . growing in faith
Sunday School: The Adult Sunday School class meets Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. Using an interactive format, the class tackles a variety of issues related to the Bible and the Christian life. Video series featuring popular Christian authors and preachers are often used. Newcomers are always welcome.
Afternoon Bible Study: Lively interaction and biblical engagement are the hallmarks of this women’s group that meets monthly (September through May). Each gathering includes Bible study, prayer time, and refreshments.
Family Life Activities: At different times throughout the year, there are outings and activities for the whole church family to enjoy. Past events have included a game night, a tour of a local museum, and a hayrack ride / wiener roast.
“The community continually committed themselves to learning what the apostles taught them, gathering for fellowship, breaking bread, and praying” (Acts 2:42, The VOICE)